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Take the Pledge
I pledge that I will support and vote for a Constitutional Amendment to make it clear that voting at all levels of government is the exclusive right of U.S citizens. 

Thanks for Taking the Pledge!

As you prepare to vote on November 3rd, are the candidates you support doing all they can to protect the integrity of your vote? Does your candidate believe that ONLY United States citizens should vote in our elections? Has your candidate for Congress or your state legislature signed the Pledge to Protect Our Vote?

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Congressional Pledge Signers By State

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Battle in Maine

Maine Representatives Pledge to Protect Our Vote, Support Citizen-Only Voting.

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Sara Gideon Blocks Citizen-Only Voting [news story]

Text of Citizen Voting Bill -- LD 186

Actions on LD 186

Roll call vote #220

A No vote was in favor of only citizens voting

Roll Call vote #232

A Yes vote was in favor of only citizens voting

Rep. William Faulkingham's Citizen Voting Legislation in Maine

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The US Congress on the Record

 Crenshaw Fights to Protect Integrity of American Voters

Text of the Sense of the Congress Resolution

House Roll Call Vote on the Sense of the Congress Resolution

Rep. Crenshaw Speaks to Motion Against Voting by Those in the US Illegally

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Paid for by Americans for Citizen Voting. Not authorized by any candidate or committee

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